SwiftUI for iOS
Never use Storyboards again. SwiftUI completely changes how we build iOS apps!
Declarative & cross platform
Hello, SwiftUI
Hello, Swift Source Code
Creating your first view
Updating a view with data
Progress Bar Source Code
Basics of SwiftUI
Project: Keycard
Download: Shopping Cart Assets
Creating a list
Passing down data to a row
UI changes based on State
Building the cart view
Opaque Types
Download: Shopping Cart Source Code
Project: Building an app with State
Creating a profile screen
Forms and State
App data flow
Applying themes to TextFields
Project: Sign Up
Creating a list for navigation
Changing screens with NavigationLink
Creating a list layout for todos
Data flow with ObservableObject
Managing data for an entire iOS application
Creating the UI
Creating app themes
Working with EnvironmentObject
Toggling an app theme
EnvironmentObject Source Code